And today was her second doctor's appointment. Our little girl weighed in at exactly 8 lbs. (50th percentile), 14" head circumferance (50th percentile), and 20" long (50th percentile). She is a very average little girl! [And if you noticed that her current length is the same as her birth length the assumption is that her birth length was inaccurate.] The doctor said she looks great. She is going to start receiving some prune juice every day to help cut back on the constipation but other than that she is happy, healthy and very well loved.
And I hope everyone has voted today!!!
Love the pictures!!! :) Massage her belly in a horseshoe shape around her belly button and that helps constipation too. Just a trick we've learned :)
I love her! It's so cute that she's smaller than the Tigger
Hi! Now that we are back online and in our new home in Columbia, MO, home of Mizzou (Yea, Tigers!), I am finally able to catch up on all of your news. I can completely relate to the disappointment of one's child not resembling oneself--neither of my first two resembled me and everyone seemed to think they needed to point out that they looked "just like his/her father!!!" (in one case, while I was still in recovery . . . ugh!). Rest assured, her personality will be all hers and, eventually, so will her looks. Hopefully by the time she is asserting her independence, dying one's hair with koolaid will be out (but there is sure to be something equally as obnoxious to take its place). It is funny, though, all of my children show resemblance to me in different ways now that they are older--even Daryn and Cassi (who no longer look "just like his/her father!!!").
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