Sylvia had an exciting weekend. On Friday morning her friend, Alexis, and Alexis' mom, Heather, came for a visit. The video is of the two of them playing together. They were so much fun to watch. Sylvia kept laughing and laughing and laughing. This was the first time the two of them really interacted with one another and it was so neat to see.
We were very encouraged to see how good she was with Dax and hope that we will see a similar success when she meets her sister in a couple of weeks.
The good news is that this will only last for two more weeks-- hopefully.
I was admitted to the hospital again on Friday. It was, fortunately, a very short visit. My blood pressure was much too high at the doctor's office and she could not let me go home. So, over to the hospital I went where they monitored my b.p. and took my blood. My b.p. went down enough and the blood work came back showing no evidence of preeclampsia yet. I was released.
The current plan that the doctor has implemented is I am scheduled for an amniocentesis on Wednesday, the 3rd of February to check if Lovebug's lung's are fully developed. If they are, then surgery will take place the day after or that Friday. (My original surery date was scheduled for the 18th of February.) Of course, if additional problems should arise or preeclampsia should reoccur then surgery will take place sooner. Additionally, there is a chance that I may go into labor spontaneously as at the appointment Friday I learned I had dilated even further.
Time will tell. In the meantime, I am doing what I can to stay in bright spirits and to try and stay as comfortable as possible. Although pain is a constant for me right now, I can at least keep it manageable-- sometimes.
And, again, thanks for the continued prayers, encouraging notes and emails and all the warm thoughts.