The Good News: Dave is employed again! He started his new job this past Monday.
The Bad News: We still don't have any health insurance until close to the middle of September.
The Good News: We are trying to apply for government assistance for health coverage for the coming month.
The Bad News: Dave has four weeks of training that he needs to complete. During this time he MUST attend every single day or it may result in termination. The September training is already full, so that leaves October . . . Sylvia is due in October.
The Good News: Dave talked with a supervisor and it hopefully sounds like he can be present for the delivery no matter what. Worst case scenario is I will have to labor at the hospital with my mom and then will possibly need to be brought home with baby by Mom.
The Overall Good News: Dave simply LOVES his new job. He is already so pleased at how much better of a fit this particular job is for him than his previous one. This is a place that is concerned with function over form, allows him to have immediate contact with the public, provides him with a ton of responsiblity and is a job that he will be doing something to help people. He even received some pretty cool news today: He was told that he gave the most astounding interview and that is why they were so eager to hire him. That made him feel good. (And it makes me so proud!)
He even gets home by 5:20 each day! He works from 8:00-4:30, and takes only a half hour lunch. At first he thought he got to work from 7:30-4:00 but his supervisor read the available start times wrong. Still, it will be so nice to have my husband home shortly after 5:00!
So, other than the concerns mentioned above, we are very happy and can only assume and pray that the the "bad things" listed will resolve themselves. Here's to a great future working for the state!
Tuesday: busy
Once again, it was a busy day. The kids only had a half day of school, so
I went to get them right after I was done teaching. I had assorted errands
4 days ago