I suppose I wanted to "toot my own horn" but I thought I would share what I made Daxton and Veda for their first birthdays. The above is a sweater vest and matching bow tie I made Dax. I think he looks rather handsome in this set:
And for the Vedabug I made her a cabled owl sweater:
It would be really adorable if I sewed buttons on all the owl eyes, but I am not certain that is such a good idea for a child still young enough to want to eat carpet fiber from the floor. I could also embroider the owl faces, but that just sounded like too much work and my embroidery is not very good. The bottom line is that I like the sweater as is, and I am proud of it, and if I attempt to do anything else to it I may not like it as much. Besides, she still looks pretty gosh darn cute in it. Cute enough, in fact, that she had her one year pictures taken today wearing this sweater.
Tuesday: busy
Once again, it was a busy day. The kids only had a half day of school, so
I went to get them right after I was done teaching. I had assorted errands
4 days ago
Veda is such a hunny! In the 1st picture of her, she actually reminded me a little of me. Must be the expression. Although she is a second born, left hander (?). Thanks for the sweater vest, Daxton already has plans to wear it on Easter.
First I didn't think it could get better than the awesome vest and bowtie on your adorable nephew.
Then I saw the owl sweater, and it is too awesome for words.
What an amazing knitter you are!
Toot away! They are both awesome and your gorgeous daughter's are growing up soooo fast!!
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